Extreme/Creative Bo Seminar with Trace Megellas- Champion Martial Arts 9/10/16

Extreme/Creative Bo Seminar with Trace Megellas- Champion Martial Arts 9/10/16


This seminar consists of two classes, one beginner and the other advanced. This will allow the students, no matter what level they are to learn some solid basic Bo techniques before moving on to the more difficult manipulations.

In the first class we will cover:

-Basic strikes

-Beginner tricks

-Section 1 of a competition style bo form.

In the second class we will cover:

-More advanced Bo tricks

-Improve speed

-Learn section 2, with ending.

I hope to see you all you “Bo staffers” at this fun, energetic weapons seminar.


Dates Undefined table data
Seminar 1$35.00
Both seminars$50.00
Location Champion ATA
7105 Golf Club Dr
Fort Worth TX

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